Lammas Drone Silo

Friday 1 August 2014. 1800 – 2100

AAS are extra-human changelings, scourge of the future. Cult of the Pookahs at full extension: a plane of consistency.
Nek, Yam, Yof, Jeren, Skak, Morath, Claster, Feandra, Nox.
The whole length of the beam is visible
Positive earth / Dual Coil.
Moon at 33%.
Enter the dark place.

EndFragment:0000003000 Broken bread England where charms in chains commemorate the present harvest. Western deliverance FIRST on blessing of employed on the “loaf-mass” from the latter and harvested with it the might wheat. The feast: Anglo-Saxon Transfiguration brings the many blessed. Latter were they called FIRST AUGUST.

Both Hemispheres, Peter in Chains, England, FIRST AUGUST, church loaf, book of parts, Lammas loaf blessing performed as Lammas-speaking FIRST on Northern charms.

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Part of Hackney Wicked

Swan Wharf
60 Dace Rd,
E3 2NQ